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Benefit Statements

Employee Benefit Statements

Employee benefit statements are an effective human resource information tool to communicate the total compensation value of employer sponsored benefits.

Using customized, individualized employee benefit statements, each employee can better understand the financial commitment their employer has made to them. Also, since the employees received a brief description of the purpose and use of the benefits, they are better able to coordinate and choose their benefits with their personal financial situations, making for more satisfied and productive employees.

Benefit Statement

Benefit Information & Sample

Employers without effective employee benefit communications run the risk of wasting benefit dollars on employees who do not understand the value of those benefits.

Below is a partial list of benefit information that can be included for employee explanation:

  • Total benefit cost as a dollar amount
  • Total benefit cost as a percentage of compensation
  • Social Security
  • Medicare
  • FUTA
  • Workers compensation
  • Holidays
  • Vacation
  • Sick pay
  • Health insurance
  • Life & AD&D
  • Dental
  • Short-term disability
  • Long-term disability
  • 401(k)

View a sample statement by clicking here.

Century Enrollment & Benefit Services, LLC
PO Box 14903, Rochester, NY 14614
900 Jefferson Road, 3rd Floor, Rochester, NY 14623
(585) 507-9517