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Benefit Enrollment

Simple Enrollment for All Clients

Whether your employees are concentrated in one or two locations, or spread throughout the country, Century has the flexibility to reach them efficiently and conveniently.

Century can conduct enrollments face-to-face, in the field, or via our Call Center. No matter what method you choose, your employees interact with one of our highly trained benefit counselors. Century also offers web-based solutions. Each is coordinated through BenAware™, an enrollment and benefits administration platform that is considered one of the best in our industry.

Enrollment Options


Too often, employees do not fully comprehend the benefit plans they have chosen. Unfortunately, this can lead to many potential benefit solutions going unutilized. Century offers the ultimate in high-tech, high-touch communications through its face-to-face enrollment process.

Process Details:

  1. Employees will meet with a highly skilled, highly trained, Century Benefit Counselor
  2. A personalized presentation displayed on a laptop LCD screen allows the employee to learn about their complete benefit plan step-by-step.
  3. All demographic information is reviewed, and modified if necessary, assuring data accuracy.
  4. All transactions are verified with a detailed paycheck illustration to assure they can afford the benefits they just selected.
  5. At the end of the session, the employee can walk away with a personalized Benefit Summary and Total Compensation Statement.
On-site case managers oversee the entire process to ensure all client expectations are met.

Web Enrollment

Century’s web-enabled solution allows your employees to select their benefit options from their office, workplace, home, or wherever they have internet access. Our intuitive step-by-step process will guide your employees through the enrollment process and provide an electronic confirmation of benefit elections.

Century’s web enrollments are powered by BenAware™, which offers an array of presentation and enrollment options. BenAware™ will:

  • Visually communicate your entire benefits program
  • Enroll employees in all benefits electronically
  • Update employee and family information
  • Calculate a real-time paycheck illustration that reflects benefit deductions and Section 125 tax savings
  • Present an employee’s Total Compensation interactively
  • Conduct and tabulate employee surveys

Century will utilize an "enrollment help desk" to answer employee questions.

Call Center

The latest telecommunications technology enables Century to monitor each project in real time and keep hold times to a minimum. We do not use automated answering systems. You will always talk to a live person without the need to key in numbers on the dial pad. Our call center can accommodate any type of workforce, no matter how diverse.

Ongoing Service

Century doesn't stop after the open enrollment. Each month, we enroll new hires into your benefit plans, alleviating the burden on your HR department. We then update your in-house records through data interface.

Our Promise

Century will communicate the plan in the most complete way possible and will strive to enroll 100% of the eligible employee base. As technology advances, we will be your partners in developing new and innovative ways to communicate with your employees.

Century Enrollment & Benefit Services, LLC
PO Box 14903, Rochester, NY 14614
900 Jefferson Road, 3rd Floor, Rochester, NY 14623
(585) 507-9517